Wednesday, March 23, 2011

San Francisco Bay Area: Earth Day Virtual Scientist Visits

In recognition of Earth Day 2011, SCIENCE SCREEN REPORT will be hosting Virtual Visits through the Virtual Scientist Guest Lecture Series thanks to a grant from AutoDesk (there is NO cost to participate).  The grant covers schools in the San Francisco Bay area for students in middle and high school.  Virtual visits will feature scientists in the Earth Sciences fields.  Due to limited resources, we can only offer this program to the first 10 schools that respond on a first come first serve basis.

The Virtual Scientist Guest Lecture Series brings scientists into America’s classrooms in real time via the Internet. Using existing technology available through Skype, an internet based videophone service, SCIENCE SCREEN REPORT will arrange for scientists to participate in a "virtual" in-classroom visit without leaving their lab or research facility. The Virtual Scientist Guest Lecture Series allows both scientists and students to experience an interactive dialogue that inspires and engages students about dynamic cutting edge science research.

The technology requirements are minimal, requiring only that each participant (i.e. school and scientist) have a computer with high speed internet access, a high quality monitor, webcam, speakers and microphone. Skype software can be downloaded from free of charge. As the liaison between the school, sponsor and guest lecturer SCIENCE SCREEN REPORT makes all necessary arrangements for the virtual visit.

"Virtual" visits last about 30 minutes in order to fit within a standard class period. The presentation format varies according to the preference of the speaker and educator but will generally include a presentation followed by Q&A. The classroom teacher acts as the moderator and oversees the necessary pre-visit preparation.

If this sounds like something you or another teacher at your school may be interested in, please e-mail me ( or call 1-800-232-2133 x 266. 

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